3.8.15 | My Stupid Mouth – John Mayer

Stand-out Lyric/s – One more thing / Why is it my fault? / So maybe I try too hard / But it’s all because of this desire / Just wanna be liked / Just wanna be funny / Looks like the joke’s on me / So call me “Captain Backfire”

I’m not the biggest John Mayer fan, but I am always in love with the way he captures all of my emotions in his lyrics. Of course there are songs that I like a lot more then others but this song might take the cake.
Whenever I get really comfortable with people, I begin to have no filter and I talk A LOT.
It’s hard for me to have awkward silence with people because I’ve always thought silence was when you’re by yourself. There are a few of my good friends that I can be silent around but thats it. When a friendship is new, its hard for me to shut up and I think a lot of the time, I need to.
A lot of my beliefs are hard for people to understand or just too different then what they already know to be true to believe in as well. I never try to “convert” people, but for them to just listen and understand me a little better. When people don’t do that, it gets me very frustrated and I maybe say things that sound snotty. I am my own person, I do not try to replicate anyone or any belief. I am allowed to feel any certain way that I want. And so are you. Thats what makes us all different and unique and to deny someone their own mind is crazy.
Be yourself and say what you need to say (<another John Mayer song!) even if it seems a little wrong. If it’s what you think, it’s okay.

Yours for the listening,

3.7. 15 | Talk to Me, Dance with Me – Hot Hot Heat

Stand-out Lyric/s – So safe and comforting… this doesn’t feel like flirting. / So fun I’m distracted… forgot you keep track of it.

I feel like I start every blog by saying I worked most of the day so I’ll try not to do that, but you get it. ::wink wink:: After I was done with the “festivities” of my day, my fiancé and I went to old chicago to grab some food. While we were there, we heard this song. I have not listened to Hot Hot Heat in a long minute, but I do remember being OBSESSED with them.
I used to go to a National Guard Youth Camp every summer when I was younger. I remember having such a great time and making some of the best memories there, like having a full clothed shower in the rain with 2 other girls and getting the most sit-ups for a female in 60 seconds! I also remember the people and the friends that I made there. One of them, I still keep up with on Facebook and she was the one to introduce me to Hot Hot Heat. She was a counselor the last year that I was a camper and every morning while everyone was getting ready, she would play their CD. It was a very dance-y type of CD and got everyone excited for the day even if we were just going to PT. The first thing I did when I got back from camp was buy their CD. I remember trying to introduce everyone I came in contact with to this band thinking I was the absolute coolest.
This CD brings back all the memories of me getting ready when I was younger, which meant the tinniest bit of makeup(lots of eyeliner), brushing my hair, and lots of dancing. It makes me smile and want to dance like an idiot. What better music is there?

Yours for the listening,

3.6.15 | Summertime – Bridget Mendler

Stand-out Lyric/s – Stars Are Bright Outside My Window / Wake Up This Song Echoes Off My Pillow / And I Remember, Oh I Remember / I Remember My Summer With You

When I got home from work, my boyfriend was waiting, with The Secret World of Arriety ready to go. I had told him previously that I hadn’t seen the movie and was really wanting to. My fiancé and I have a love for children’s movies in the fact that they are silly, touching, and interesting. We are also huge Disney fans, so we are game to always see something that Disney puts out.
Last year, for our summer vacation, we went to Disney World. It was a long time in the making, but we finally did it, and I know we shouldn’t be, but we were pretty proud of ourselves. This song not only set a good pace for the movie but it reminded me of being away with John-Mark and escaping our crazy, hectic work schedules. We woke up every morning in Disney World with a full itinerary and our hearts ready for just one another. Spending the time with him in DIsney was so special because we were just with each other and no one else in the world mattered at the moment. We were genuinely happy being there and holding each other the whole time and just having an experience together. I can’t wait for our many other adventures to come, no matter what they may be.

Yours for the listening,

3.5.15 | Bruises – Chairlift

Stand-out Lyric/s – I tried to do handstands for you / But every time I fell for you / I’m permanently black and blue, permanently blue / For you

This is another song that I classify as an upbeat song that has depressing undertones to it.
This song also holds a really fond memory for me. In my last relationship, my brother became pretty close with the guy that I was with. I remember spending the summer in New Jersey with them, and they would always go off on their own and go fishing or go to the mall, and just be completely comfortable with one another.
When we were celebrating our 2 year anniversary, my brother sent me a link on my Facebook page. It was a video of my brother congratulating us on our anniversary and what he thought of us! It also had him dancing to this song as well, if I remember correctly.
It was such a happy video and a funny one too. So now, every time I hear this song, I just feel happy and I think of my brother and how silly he is. I also think of how compassionate he is for the people that he loves, and thats something that I deeply admire about him.

Yours for the listening,

3.4.15 | Turn It Off – The Book Of Mormon Cast

Stand-out Lyric/s – Turn it off like a light switch / Just go, click / It’s a cool little Mormon trick / We do it all the time / When you’re feeling certain feelings / That just don’t seem right / Treat those pesky feelings like a reading light

So last night, I went to go see The Book of Mormon. It has been such a long time since I’ve seen anything in a theatre and to see a touring show was quite the treat! I went into Book of Mormon with not a clue of what it was about or anything at all. The ONLY thing I knew, was that the creators of South Park had made this musical. That got me excited for some comedy for sure!
I walked out absolutely loving this show! It was great! Just the right mix of tongue-in-cheek comedy with a sense of sincerity as well. I went with two of my girlfriends and we all had a blast. After the show, I had a burst of energy and could not stop singing Turn It Off, a song that was in the show. I felt the urge to perform again, and to get on a stage. Of course I know I’d have to find something that I’m interested in, and then audition, and then get on the stage. But that night just being a goof in my room with my fiancé looking on and giggling at me was enough. It just made me happy! So I decided that I at least have to see 2 touring shows every year. Just to remind why I love performing and why it became such a big part of my life.
When the cast had ended the show, the girl who played Nabulungi, spoke about her experience being on tour and performing the show every night and it almost made me well up. I remember being a part of a theatre community and how strong they were. Yes, they might have been a little clique -y but all in all, I always came out with some of the best friends and memories.
It was a great night being one with the theatre again and I can not wait to go back.

Yours for the listening,

3.3.15 | Stay the Night – Zedd / Hayley Williams

Stand-out Lyric/sI am a fire, you’re gasoline / Come pour yourself all over me / We’ll let this place go down in flames only one more time

First off, I’ll start with I’m in love with Hayley Williams from Paramore. Always have been, always will. I believe her voice will always sound amazing, no matter her age. I’ve been listening to her since the beginning and anything she does will make me happy. Enough of me sounding like a stalker.
When I first heard this song, my fiancé and I were kinda on the rocks at the moment. We were still talking to each other every day but not technically “dating” again yet.
I remember hearing this song and feeling this way every time I got to see him. I always thought it was going to be the last time that we spent with each other and that was so scary to me but I was also thankful that I even got another time with him. I tried to keep my emotions at bay when I was with him, and tried to think in the back of my head that we were just friends at the moment, but it was so hard because of the chemistry we had with one another. When I ask him about that time in his life, he tells me that he still loved me and never stopped but we needed to be apart so that both of us could grow and be our own person without one another and it was very true. Looking back for myself, I would never want to go back to that, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t help. We are stronger and more in love then ever and I can’t imagine our love being what it is without that time apart.

Yours for the listening,

3.2.15 | Stolen Dance – Milky Chance

Stand-out Lyric/s – I hope they didn’t get your mind / Your heart is too strong, anyway / We need to fetch back the time / They have stolen from us

A friend of mine at work seems to always have this song stuck in his head and like anyone who loves a good tune, he sings it out loud a lot. So naturally, it then gets stuck in my head and I start singing/dancing. It is really one of the most catchy songs I’ve heard this year. Even after writing the lyrics down, I had to turn on the song and groove along.
Songs that are upbeat and catchy, but still hold a deeper meaning in them that is in some ways almost depressing are always very interesting to me. Any time that I have ever tried to write something, I’ve been very direct in what I was feeling. If I was writing something sad, Id put it to a sad tune, if it was happy, it would go with a happy tune. I guess thats why none of my ideas have gone anywhere but the paper they were written on. But still, it’s hard for me to disguise my feelings, which gets me in trouble a lot. I act on everything that I feel, even if it seems temporary. I’ve been trying to work on this but sometimes it feels like if I don’t get it out, it’ll eat me alive.
The lyrics that I posted above are relevant to my life in the fact that I want people to know what is truly important in their lives. I want them to prioritize based on their feelings, not on what is going to get them up the ladder of success or gain them the most amount of money. If they wanna spend time with people, I hope they get to do that, and I hope this world hasn’t stolen their mind that is capable and willing to see through all the wrong stuff that this world teaches us.

Yours for the listening,

3.1.15 | Dress – Sylvan Esso

Stand-out Lyric/s – You look good in the west, see how you clap those hands / You look good in the south, see how you use your mouth / You look good in the east, all elbows and knees / To the honey dipper, to the sound shifter

March already! I know people probably say this all the time, but I really feel like this year is flying by. Almost like it’s suffocating me. Like it’s telling me that there are all these opportunities but theres also risk in those opportunities. For example, I want to travel a lot more, but that means, not having a steady job, and maybe losing the place that I call home at the moment. I know that I will probably always find shelter when traveling and I know there’s never a perfect time to take a risk(hence, why it’s call a risk) but that’s just never been part of me. I have always been steady and predictable. The one with a good head on her shoulders, but I want so badly to be the girl whose carefree and can drop anything and start over.
This song really came to me at a perfect time. I feel like it spoke to me on this day. It told me that anywhere looks good on me, as long as I go with a full heart and possibly forget the notion of taking a risk and just think of it as living my life. Also, the imagery of being a “morning star” was very prominent in my head after listening. To be rare and unlikely, to just be starting, to see something like you’ve never seen it before, to be alive in both the morning and the night. I thought it was a beautiful image and something that I should think about a little more often. I think that if you are afraid to start something new, try slowly to get rid of that fear and plan to start your project! No matter what it is. If you believe in it, it will be magical.

Yours for the listening,

2.28.15 | Poker Face – Glee Cast

Stand-out Lyric/s – Just like a chick in the casino / Take your bank before I pay you out / I promise this, I promise this / Check this hand ’cause I am marvelous

I absolutely love this version of Poker Face. It reminds me of a time when Glee wasn’t horrible and actually followed a storyline.  Lea Michelle and Idina Menzel do such a great job in making this song their own, and showcasing their voices with this cover.
Whenever I hear this song, I always want to belt it from the top of my lungs or grab a friend and pretend were doing our own duet to it. I like covers that break the original thought of the song or break the tempo you once associated with the original. I think that if you can make a cover like that then make all the covers in the world. I don’t like covers when they’re exactly like the original, that’s called karaoke not a cover.
Glee used to hold a very special place in my heart. I remember watching the pilot episode on a blanket in the middle of an empty house that I was moving out of, and just thinking I can’t wait to see more. Rachel was the character that I connected with the most. She always knew what she wanted and knew she was cut out for more then the town she was in. She also loved deeply and cared for those who were close to her, but no one wanted to get to close to her. I feel like it fell off track a few seasons ago. Probably after graduation for the originals. The new season is awful. I can barely get threw the episodes but I push on just for the fact that I want to watch all the episodes until the end.

Yours for the listening,

2.27.15 | Breed – Nirvana

Stand-out Lyric/s – Even if you have / Even if you need / I don’t mean to stare / We don’t have to breed / We could plant a house / We could build a tree / I don’t even care / We could have all three / She said

Today was another long day at work! But luckily, I had some fun to look forward to at the end of the night. I think I have mentioned before that my best friend and her husband are moving in with my fiancé and I. Tonight was their last night in their old apartment. The apartment where they made a step to be married and have that apartment be the first thing that they shared together, beside their love, of course. Instead of hark on something that could so easily have been harked on, they decided to celebrate.
They had all of their close friends come over for a sleepover, most of us ended up going home but it was good to kind of end on a positive note with everyone that they loved around them.
We played Pictionary, and decided to play boys versus girls. The first round, the ladies whooped the men. But when Andy, another friend that showed up, they definitely whooped us. We also played a card game that involved wizards and spells and daemons. It was a thinking game and had everyone very concentrated. It was a fun time and something that me and my fiancé could partake in and not get bored.
This song was on my friend Liz’s phone during the wizard game and it was the perfect setting for the song. It really felt like we were all back in college with no worries or cares and just doing whatever we pleased. It was the best kind of nostalgia.

Yours for the listening,